
The Following Auto Parts Can Trigger a Check Engine Light Warning

A check engine light warning can be scary. You don’t know if it’s safe to continue to drive your car, truck, or utility vehicle. In some cases, it may not be safe to continue to operate your automobile. Auto Service Kingston can find out why your check engine light has come on. In many cases, the cause can be attributed to the following auto parts.

Catalytic Converter

The catalytic converter converts carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide before it is released through the exhaust system. If this part is clogged or malfunctioning, you may smell rotten eggs, your engine may overheat, and you may end up with the check engine light warning on the dashboard. It isn’t safe to continue to drive your automobile with a malfunctioning catalytic converter.

Petrol Cap

The petrol cap can trigger a check engine warning if it is too loose. If you’ve just filled your tank and the check engine light came on, it’s possible that the petrol cap is not screwed on tightly. Find a safe place to park your automobile and check it. If it is screwed on, unscrew it and resecure it. If this solves the problem, it’s safe to continue to drive your automobile. If it doesn’t, the check engine light has come on for another reason.

Mass Airflow Sensor

The check engine light will also come on if you have a faulty mass airflow sensor. This sensor tracks the air that comes into the engine from the outside. It is located behind the air filter and it has quite a long lifespan. It’s possible that it is just dirty, and this is why the check engine light has come on.

Oxygen Sensor

The oxygen sensor can also make the check engine light turn on. Unlike the mass airflow sensor which tracks the incoming air, the oxygen sensor tracks the outgoing oxygen. It is located in your tailpipe and measures the oxygen in the exhaust. If it is malfunctioning, your check engine light will come on. Continuing to drive your automobile with a faulty oxygen sensor may develop engine performance issues.

Spark Plugs

Finally, the spark plugs are another common reason why the check engine light comes on. If they are misfiring because they are old and worn, you may end up with an illuminated check engine warning light. They may also misfire because the engine control unit is malfunctioning.

Auto Service Kingston in Kingston, ON, can quickly get to the bottom of the reason why your check engine light is on. Call us today.

Photo by tfoxfoto from Getty Images Pro via Canva Pro

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